Blog dedicated to the exchange of views and impressions about Brazil and the U.S. by prospective English language teachers in Londrina (UEL) and high school students in Minnesota.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Brazilian Education
Education in Brazil
I must confess that those years were the best ones. I made lots of friends, the teachers were the best ever (I reckon this compensates the fact we didn't have any classbooks or any attention from the Government) and I was given the best-student-of-the-year prize when I moved to a private institution. In other words, I learnt how to the a good student exactly where it was the least expected. Not to mention that I learnt values for life.
But let's talk about structure (before I get any more lost in words... rsrsrs).
The Brazilian Educational System is divided into three levels: fundamental, intermediate and higher education, the latter comprising two different levels: undergraduate and graduate. Preschool or infant education is added to this hierarchical structure, for the purpose of providing assistance to children under 7 years of age.
Any youth or adult who did not follow or finish regular schooling at the appropriate age has the possibility of making up for the delay by attending courses and suppletory examinations customizing the mode of education to this special type of student.
Besides regular education, other modes of education are offered, such as suppletory education which substitutes and complements regular schooling, providing permanent education.
The regular school year in Brazil, independently of the calendar year, covers a minimum of 180 days of effective work, excluding tests and exams, according to the current Education Law. The new National Education Bases and Guidelines Law establishes 200 school days.
Fundamental school, compulsory to 7 to 14 year olds, extends over eight grades, with an annual minimum of 800 hours of activities. To enroll in the firstgrade, the student must be 7 years old, although entrance at an earlier age is allowed, depending on rules and regulations of each educational system.
Enrollment and attendance to fundamental education are allowed outside the appropriate age group. At 18 years of age, the student must attend suppletory education courses.
According to the Bases and Guidelines Law still in force, "national education, inspired in the principles of freedom and in the ideals of human solidarity, has the purpose of:
- understanding individual rights and responsibilities, as well as those of citizens, the State and other community groups;
- respecting man's dignity and fundamental freedoms;
Well guys, I hope I have helped with this input.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday Night!!!
Well I hope you all enjoy the holiday and have a blast of a Saunday.
Take care boys and girls...
Education and cultural aspects
So as many colleagues said the education here in Brazil is not very vallued and so people here doesn't have the opportunity to learn foreign language, for example. And about the cultural aspects here in Brazil we have lot of different kinds of food as some people already posted and we have lot of hollidays where nobody works and people love it !
Oh you are having Hlloween parties there rigth?!
and how do you like it ?
I wonder until what age do you go in the streets to aks for treat or tricks?
Well that's it see ya guys !!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Education in Brazil
The public school has its defits and has some aspects to improve much in the same way that the private school also need.
I believe that to change, education must be valued and we as Brazilians should believe this change, emphasizing the importance of education for development and future of the country.
This is it.
Movies - isaiah
Comedy: "Stepbrothers"
Action: "James Bond series"
Drama: "Antwone Fisher"
Suspense: "Shutter Island"
Horror: "Nightmare On Elm Street"
see you next week for more blogging!!
do you guys have any big concerts ?
happy halloween!
Movie theaters..
Get back to us... Jason Dominguez
our music is really diverse many types of music like
rap,r&b,country,metal,rock and roll, and much more. I think the most popular music is rap and R&b. One of the most famous rappers now today would be Waka Flocka flame, Gucci mane, Roscoe Dash, Travis Porter, wiz khalifia, Niki minaj, Drake, Lil wayne, and much more. Well no more to say!
Hey Brazil !!!
hey guys!
How does the weather looks in your country!
World history 1st hour
I hope it's not to late to talk about my self a little (as Americans we love to talk about our self's) Well the biggest thing about me that every one knows is that i play ice hockey it's kinda who i am so I play around 10 months a year. Now that i'm 16 i also coach a hockey team they are what we call the level pee wee's they are around 10-13 years old there really cute but some times they get sloppy and like to slack so they have to skate. They don't like it but it's okay. I also play Soccer and Softball =) Also in my free time i play football with friends I'm not very good but every time i play get better so we will see how it goes.
Hockey try outs are next week so WISH ME LUCK who knows whats going to go down. so in my free time i love to play sports and hang out with my friends =) i also love coaching it's a lot like teaching for some people but it's more active so it keeps me in toon
Mandy but you can call me ribinz!!! (Ribbons) it's kinda a football thing =)
USA, Brazil
- :)Damitaaa Sayss ;; I LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE !
- XOXO , peaceee (:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Talking about Education in Brazil
Well, now i´d like to speak a little soemthing about the educational system in Brazil. The government here has a long way to go before getting things right in Brazil´s Ed. System. We really hope things get a lot better as the new President takes the lead in 2011, and we not only hope that as students, but also and most importantly as teachers-to-be! We still have lots of regional and social disparities in and outside schools and universities, and I think that should change in terms of equality.
Also, the resources the teachers need to teach should be reconsidered when it comes to classrooms and schools in general(electronic resources, material resources, etc). Well, I wish i could speak more, but that´ll be it for now.
BR Culture

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm gonna talk a little bit about education, I don't know how works there the structure of education but here is how it works.
Education in Brazil is divided into 3 levels:
- Pre - school Education: this one is optional and exists to aid in development of children under 6.
- Elementary School: 6-14 years old, we have 8 grades, but 9 years if you count the pre- school.
- High School: Medium Education, and takes 3 years, the students must have finished the Elementary before they are allowed to enroll in High school.
- Higher Education: Students here must pass a competitive examination, known as vestibular, for their specific course of study.
Education in Brazil is regulated by the Federal Goverment and the Minister of Education defines the guilding principles for the organization of educational programs. The Local Goverments are responsible to following guidelines supplied by the Federal Government.
The reality is that we have money, however the Government and our laws are medievals. This sunday we are trying to change this reality, so please cross yours fingers!!!!!! =)
I don't know if I put myself clear, so doubts...please ask!
See ya,
our culture of everyday
What do you know about USA?
Education in Brazil
It's my first time! I had some problems to post it but finally I've got it. Great, cause I'm anxious to share ideas and change experiences. Let me talk a little bit about me. I had been teaching English for the last six years, it is a wonderful work and also a pleasure to teach and learn. I believe that as much you teach as much you learn. So it is all for now.
Here the students spend 5 hours in school, they have 5 classes each day.
Now we are in political season, we will choose a new president, so our candidates are promising to improve the education and the teacher’s salaries.
Here in Londrina we have some schools with full time education, the mayor wants to make all the public schools full time. I agree with that and I think kids would learn more with that and became a better person.
In the some public universities education stills need lots to improve and grow, and I hope someday it will.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
presentation and education in br
I didn´t post yet...
the education here isn´t the government priority...unfortunately
I thik if here the education was like in US, the things would be better...
here the classes has about 50 minuts,,are 5 classes each day
are just 4 hours in school
it´s really that you can take the licence to drive with just 16?
I'm here with Nath and Leandro trying to write something nice to you guys, but it is so hot and we cannot think straight. LOL
We want to say that we are enjoying reading your posts and making comments about it, ando we hope you are enjoying it as much as we are. We are in college right now and soon we'll get home and we are really tired.
we hope to get you know you all better soon. And next class we ll have a video recorded so you can see us too.
see ya
Ana, Nathalia and Leandro
Topp of the morning :)
weeeelll uuuuuummmmmmm!!!
I'm Samairrah I go to Kennedy High School in Bloomington, MN. I'm 16 years old, 5"7. I love to dance, shop, sing, joke around & partyyy! Kennedy is very strict about rules & you may like it better where your at. The principal is very on top of things. In my opinion class is not that fun for me its very stressful other than that I love seeing my friends.
Byeeee! (:
My names Talon i go to bloomington kennedy i play varsity football,track and hopefully basketball this year. Im a junior i'm African american ,italian my fav.class is world history and english.I Like my school its multi-cultural and fun, but we still do learn :).We don't get that much homework but we take a lot of test in my opinion.But through everything its great and i america is nice you should come visit.
Talon Frazier
My name is Lamont Fondern Jr. I attend Kennedy Senior High In Bloomington,Minnesota.
Here at Kennedy we have a 4 day period, which is great, because we get less home work.
I love to go to church, giving God the praise is my Number 1 priority of all things,do my school work,cook,hang out with my friends and family on my spare time. I am Looking Forward to talking with you all.
Lamont Fonder Jr.
Weendor Kamara
about me
destiny obinnah
hey hey!!
hey guys!
Teddy Sunder
my name be chet, I are smart, just kidding I got jokes. I like loud cars/trucks, american football, and hockey, and hunting.
my favorite foods including pizza, bacon cheeseburgers, and spaghetti. Now I'm supposed to be talking about what the schools are like in america, there isn't much to say. The schools are easy, and the school lunches are terrible! never go to school here! I'm warning you. The only things good is that we are the land of the free, and have many freedoms, Like we can be in debt and still put food on the table for our families. But our new principal at Kennedy high school, is just like a dictator, He is a control freak let me tell you what!
With lots of love,
chet haslerud'
Hope to learn more from you,
Thankss !((:
What I know about your country
Hey Britains !!:)
Rancell Iglesias
School and Homecoming in America
Highschool Classes.
So at Kennedy we only have four classes every quarter. We have required classes and electives. Some required classes we have to take to graduate are English, different types of science, Mathematics, history/civics, and two quarters of gym. Electives are, in a way, "fun" classes. For example, Foods class, photography class, auto body, and you can take advanced gym. This quarter I love my classes. My first hour is World History, second hour is Probability and Statistics, third hour is Forensics Science, and my fourth hour? I'm a teachers assistant for an English class. I grade papers and all that stuff. I wouldn't call it fun, but at least I don't really have to think. Haha. Well I guess this is all I have to say for now.
Hi! Everyone. How is it going! This time, I want to introduce the Education in America. How does it looks like? It is cool. The High School Education, base on the different states, they have the different requirements. Sometimes, the amounts of classes of the day is different. In Minnesota, they have 4 Class a day. They need to pass the state required reading, writing and math tests. Also, the required class including math, English, science and social studies. But after you finish your required class. You can elect your favorite classes. That is a lot of freedom here. Also, you can elect the college level class during the high school. You need to pass the AP Test to get the college credits. But that is really hard. The interesting parts, we could join the any kinds of clubs after school. You can learn more things and hang out with your friends. Also, we have a lots of holidays . That is fun. And what does your Education looks like?
YinYin Huang
Hello Mc'lovin!!
Hello Everyone!
hello :)!!!
I 'm here to tell you about spirit week in our school. In our spirit week we dress up each day differently. For example, we dress up in different ways. Monday sport/jersey day , Tuesday :formal dress up day, Wednesday:crayon day were we dress up into one color from head to toe, Thursday:retro day we dress up like in the 80's , Friday:blue and gold that is our colors for our school.Then we have homecoming. Homecoming is a dance that is due right after the football game. You have to buy a ticket to see the football game and to go to the dance.When you go to the dance u can take a partner guy/girl its really fun we do this every year . Finally this is spirit week for us.
It was really nice writing to you guys hope we can have a chanse to talk to you guys and write to you again. Well take care bye :)
Hello! My name is Bukhari and the school i go to John of Kennedy High School. I live in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA. Today i would like to tell you about the sport i play for Kennedy High school. My favorite sports is soccer and i play for kennedy high school. Some day i would like to become a soccer player and the team i support in English premier league is Manchester United. My favorite player In Brazil country is Ronaldinho, KaKa and Ronald are my three favorite soccer players In Brazil. Good Bye!
Kennedy showchoir
HI !!!
I'm here to tell you about our spirit week at school. In our spirit week we dress up each day differently, for example this year we dress up as the following. Monday is sports/jersey day which we wear something related to sports. Tuesday is Formal dress up day which we wear something as if we have a job interview or going to work. Wednesday is crayon day where we dress up as one color or all colors all over. Thursday is retro day which we dress up as if we are in the 1980's. Last but not least is Friday where we wear "Blue & Gold" which are the school colors and everyone paint their faces blue and gold as well. Finally, there is a thing called pep-fest which everyone at school go to they gyms and sit and watch some quire acts.
It was nice writing this for you guys and i hope i get the chance to write again. Hope to get the chance to talk to you as soon as possible, I would like to meet you in person and tell you about everything I know.
Kennedy Hockey
Hey! :DD
American schools!
My name is Amanda but there is another Amanda in this class so I will be Mandy so it's not crazy!!
I am in 11th grad in high school! I find school pretty tolerable. This term i am taking World history, Gym, Chemistry, French. Sadly i am only in french one so i don't know much =).
Gym is my favorite class because I love sports. Sports are a big part of Kennedy high school. We get really big with football. That's the big sport right now but because we live in Minnesota we get a lot of snow so that means Ice. That means ICE HOCKEY! That's my big sport right now. It's a lot of fun. I also play soccer and softball (fast and slow(the difference is how the ball is pitched)). Our school is cool because we can do a lot of things in our free time. We don't have to be afraid about not seeing our friends because we see them for 6 hours at school well i guess I'll talk to you soon BYE!!!!!
Love Mandy!
JFK Student Government!
I'm involved in my school's Student Government program. We meet every Tuesday at 7:15 before school starts. Each Tuesday, we have a group of Seniors who sort of run the meeting, including one "President". We usually talk about and plan out the events of our school such as our spirit days, that go on during the week of school dances and football games such as Homecoming where we can dress up according to the designated themes of each day! Those types of things are the most fun to plan. Otherwise, we also will later plan the Blood Drive, and other fundraiser type things. I've never given blood because I have a late birthday and you cannot donate until you are sixteen. This year will be my first time being able to participate and I'm super excited! Anyways, it's pretty cool to be involved and get to have a say in how certain things work at our school. But it's so early and I don't like to wake up. So that part is kind of a bummer. This week it was canceled, so today I could take extra time to get ready. Yes!! Okay, well, talk to you soon!
Monday, October 18, 2010
My knowledge about USA!
Until next time
What I like from USA
Hi there!!!
Sorry, but you've got to give me a hand with this guys...
I'm afraid all I know is nothing but a bunch of clichés... I watch too many sitcoms and films, which are usually far-fetched, therefore, I strongly believe that what we see on telly gives a somewhat distorted impression of what actually happens. Unfortunately, I neither had the opportunity to visit the USA nor to meet an American in the flesh so that I could learn a bit more about American culture. So, can you give me a hand with this?
What I know..
Here we do not know much about you guys, I sometimes see some things on the Internet, magazines, but what most people talk about is the cold, snow, things cheaper than in Brazil as clothing, perfumes, shoes ..
I know there are several nice places to hang out with friends and I heard that you guys love to play bowling and other kinda sports and eat fastfood. is that true?
My friends who went to USA told me that skiing is too cool.
and we know that you can not drink alcoholic beverages before 21 years, it's sad.
I really like some sitcoms like the vampire diaries, grey's anatomy, bones ..
Answering the question from someone I have never seen snow either, but I like a lot, but not for long because I did not really like the cold
I would like to know more about you guys and also what do you know and think about us!
see U!
Hello everyone!
Let me tell you a little bit about myself... Well, actually there is too much to talk about, so I'm going to cut a long story short... here we go!
Since graduating in Business and Administration from UEL – State University of Londrina I have been working for Cultura Inglesa as a teacher of English. I have become particularly interested in the education field; therefore, I have deepened my studies investing in certificates as well as in courses abroad. In addition, I am studying Modern Languages Course at UEL in order to develop my career yet further.
I am married (God has blessed me with the sweetest husband ever!) but I haven't got any kids yet. My hobbies are reading (I'm addicted to Sophie Kinsella and the shopaholic series of hers!), cooking (That's such a pitty you live up there! You won't be able to taste my unforgettable risotto! Well, never mind. I'm sure there will be opportunity in the future...) and I really love listening to music (My favourite band is Smashing Pumkins... does anyone enjoy them as well? Oops! Almost forgot! I love samba... typical Brazilian, aren't I?)
I hope we all enjoy this time together!
Education in Brazil
Some of you are familiar with how the education system works in the U.S. A new documentary has just come out called "Waiting for Superman". It brings up several important issues in public education and with the current generation of students in the United States today. The ideas in the movie are not universally accepted; it has been controversial in the U.S. too. But I think it is very interesting and I am posting it here to raise discussion and get your opinions, both from Brazil and from the Kennedy group. This is by the same filmmaker who made the excellent documentary "An Inconvenient Truth". Take a look at the trailer for the movie and give your opinion:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
What I know...
American Entertainment
See you then...
Friday, October 15, 2010
sharing experiences
Well I've seen your videos and I was very surprised because there are people from all over the world in your classroom and it is very nice!! So this week we are supposed to talk about what we know about your country and what you guys know about ours, Brazil. I know about the food you are used to eat as breakfast for example, and that we brazilians get surprised with it , because we usually use to eat bread, drink milk and sometimes eat some fruits for breakfast, only. And we here also know about some famous hollidays you celebrate there, such as: Saint Patricks Day, Thanksgiving and so on.
Well I have never seen snow in my hole life I think it would be awesome to have this experience one day but only for one or two days cause I imagine It's Freezing cold!!! Some of you said you are about to work in some places there near your school or near the place you live... this is the part time jobs right? like where do you usually work though?! And now tell us what do you know about our country people!!
See ya soon !!
Lídia Alves
Introductions from 3rd Hour Class
Hey my name is Kayla, I’m 16 almost 17 years old. I play volleyball for Kennedy high school. I like to hang out with my friends. Everyone that goes to Kennedy lives close to The Mall of America. Which is the biggest mall in America. I’m a junior and am excited to graduate next year. Kayla W.
Hello, I am 16 years old I like to play video games and hang out with friends. I play sports like soccer, tennis, basketball. I hope to learn a lot about Brazil and it’s culture. Destiny O.
I’m Tyler I go to Kennedy. My favorite thing to do is to work on trucks/cars and hunt. I drive a big truck that loves being muddy. I hunt a lot mostly deer. Deer opener is coming up in a couple weeks. I play lacrosse for Kennedy also. Excited to talk to you guys! Tyler
Hey there! My name is Teddy Sunder. I'm 16 years old and I go to Kennedy High. I play football and baseball and beast both. I want to learn all about you guys. Ttyl <3>
Hey people my name is Stephanie Footh. Of course I go to Kennedy High School. I play volleyball and Lacrosse. I'm involved in lots of stuff to keep busy. I'm 16 years old so it's difficult to stay out at night because of curfew. Winter's coming up in Minnesota so it's gonna get cold soon. Burr!! But whatever. Have you ever seen snow? It sucks. But anyways hope to hear from you soon!!! Bye!
My name is Emily. I'm seventeen years old and a junior at kennedy high school in Bloomington Minnesota. I love to play volleyball. I also like hanging out with friends and going snow boarding in the winter. It'll Be fun to get to know you guys! Bye Emily T.
My name is Lamont Fondern jr. I am 16 yrs old and will be 17 in 29 days ( which is November 10th). World History is one of my favorite classes.I enjoy cooking, going to church and hanging out with my friends. I am looking forward to work with you all to the best ability I can. Lamont F.
Hey this is Mr. Ross T. Phillips. How you doing out there in Brazil? I'm coming live from out in Bloomington on the south side. I work at Valley fair, also drive a feiesto and i've had it years before I was 16. I have been to the movies and other things. I'm a very busy guy. This is Mr. R.T.P signing off. Have a good day brazil. Ross P.
Hi i'm Hunter and I live in Minnesota. I am 16 ears old and I play soccer and basketball. I like playing a lot of different sports with my friends. Brazil has a good soccer team but Messi is the best. Hunter
Hello, I'm bobby. I'm 16 and I live in Bloomington, Minnesota. I like to play sports such as baseball, football and basketball in my free time. Hope to hear from you soon. Bobby H.
Hi, my name is Adam I'm a junior at Kennedy High School. I enjoy going on very long bike rides in my free time, along with playing video games. I live n Bloomington minnesota and I built my last computer. Adam L.
Hi Guys, my name is Esraa Khader I'm a junior at Kennedy High School. I'm 16 years old from Jordan but currently living in Bloomington Minnesota. In my spare time I like to hang out with friends, go shopping, watch movies & party with people. I would like to visit Brazil someday learn the language, history & get a chance to meet great people. Well that's pretty much it :] talk to you guys soon <3>
Hey!!! Whats up y'all? My name is Chet Haslerad. I am 16 years old, I play on the high school hockey team. I love to party, so ladies get at me. I love the summer time weather in Minnesota, I highly suggest visiting. XOXO love, Chet H.
Hi, my name is Roxanna Rubio. I am 16 years old. I am a junior at Kennedy High School. I was born in California but I am Mexican! Im currently living in Bloomington, Minnesota. I live to travel and one day like to visit Brazil. Roxanna R.
Hello! Im Allegra from John F. Kennedy and Im 16 years old in 11th grade. I love music and dancing, also shopping, I love playing games and just having fun. Some things that we do around here are go to the mall, sports, party, and etc. Allegra
Hi guys,
My name is Jason and I live in a state called Minnesota here in the United States. I go to Kennedy High School. Im only 16 years old. Im also a big soccer (futbol) fan. I also love playing it. I love how Rpbohino plays without the Brazilian team. My favorite team is the mexican Javier " chicharito" Hernanadez, he plays for Manchester United in England. I will probably be attending the 2014 Brazilian world cup. take care. Jason D.
Hi, Im Weender Kamara and Im 16 in December. I was born in Liberia,, West Africa. I speak a little bit of French and a whole lot of English, haha. My favorite subject is health. Been going to JFK since freshman year. If you want to know more, hit me up on Facebook, haha. Weender K.
My names Jenna. Im 15. I love to dance. I play fastpitch and floor hockey. I have a guinea pig named Calaway. I live in Bloomington. I like to watch movies when Im bored. I like to shop but i have no money. I love to eat fruit snacks and Im addicted to fruit juice of any kind. I could live off cereal if I really wanted to. I use to play piano and now I wish I could of played the guitar. I tried to teach myself, but I only learned how the play twinkle, twinkle little star… kinda. Jenna P
Hi amigos. Im Talon, I go to JFK, I am in 11th grade. I play football, track, basketball, I am 16 years old but i will be 17 in December. I love hanging with friends and being creative and I am an only child. I am African American and I speak a little spanish. My favorite classes are History and English. I love having fun and going to church, parties, etc. Talon F.
Hello! My name is Heidi. I am 16 years old. I love going out and dancing. I like dancing cuban and salsa the most. What kind of music do you guys dance to? Heidi
Hi! My name is Kimberly and I'm 17 years old. Im the only 12th grader in 3rd hour World History. I know some words in a few different languages and I love learning about different cultures. I also love reading Anime and listening to music. When I graduate from High school, I want to go to college to become an Interior Designer or an Art Director. I hope to learn more about you. Kim G
Hello this is Danyell, I'm 16 and Im a junior. I don't really like World History but I don't mind having it. My teacher DW is really great and very patient. I love to party and have a good time. I don't do drugs, I just think they're nasty and has no point to doing them. I don't have a job yet but I might get one at Wendy's. Well thats all Bye!! Danyell
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hi friends
I am a junior and I'm currently teaching English at a state school as part of my internship practice. I love speaking English and exchanging information and culture. I've been to the U.S in January last year. It was a memorable experience! I really would love to go back in the long run.
Hope to hear from you soon.
With love,
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hello from Minnesota!
This is Margaret. I am participating in the project as a consultant for both the Brazilian and American side. I was in Brazil the past two years and now am back in the U.S., working at a university in Minnesota. I am really looking forward to a cultural and social exchange with all of you.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hi, Folks!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hi There!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hei Folks
My name's Mayara,I'm 20 years old and I'm part of this project..I'm a students of Foreign Languages and I'm a teacher in Lab(Laboratorio de Linguas-UEL).I'm from Rancharia(sp) but now I'm living here in Londrina.
We can exchange experiences.
Hey Guys!
Hey Hey Everybody!
Hi Folks!
My name is Ana like my friends said I'm one of students involved with this project. I'm 21 years old, I'm teaching young learns in a school inside the university.
I'm also work in a private school teaching students your language.
So, I'm here to learn about you guys and feel free to ask whatever you want about our culture, language...
I'm really excited to chat with you...
Hi guys!!!!!! Sup ?!
Hi there!
Hello Folks!
Now we are studying Shakespeare, the subject is interesting, but the language is kinda hard, but we’ll survive. Be an English teacher in Brazil requires a little dedication to the language and culture through the undergraduate program we seek to improve knowledge.
Our teacher suggested this communication with American students through a blog and our group was interested. I think that experience of exchanging knowledge will be very fruitful for both parts, I'm excited to learn more about the lifestyle, informal style of language that you young Americans use and you can learn more about Brazil and maybe someday come here.
See ya!
Hi everybody!!
Hello everyone.
A student of letters here at the University of Londrina, but I don’t live in Londrina, like most of my classmates, I live in Rolandia, a city near here.
I'm happy to share with you a few times as well as our experiences as students (letras) in Brazil. I also hope to share with you a well of the beauty of our country, of our culture, hardships and joys of Brazilians.
I’m sure our discussions here will be a nice and very important for everyone.
I leave here my hug.*_*
Hello dear!!!
This contact with you will present our country, its natural beauty, a little of their customs, their strengths and mainly try to design a little of what we think will be Brazil in the near future.
Londrina the city where we are is a beautiful city with many green areas, lakes, has a wonderful people, like most of the Brazilian people. It is considered a city providing services especially education, with eight major universities, many other distance away, another service of our city are the health services the city offers the best services in hospitals, laboratories, a large region.
I hope that this contact can provide great opportunities to meet part of their culture and the possibility of sharing views on various subjects.
It's a pleasure for me to participate in an intelligent design, innovation that seeks to share knowledge and different cultural viewpoints.
Cheers everybody !!
Well, I'd like to say that I'm very excited to chat with all of you!! Mainly to tell you a little more about my city, Londrina which is a calm and pleasant place where I love to live.
I will also share informations about my Course (LETRAS) at UEL University about its development and methodologies. By the way, we are having literature classes and sometimes I keep wondering if it would be the same experience that you have there and I even fell as if I was studing in high school class just like its shown in the movies! It's a weird feeling but it motivates me a lot since I love English and like Dayninha said I also want to visit America one day!
Anyway, That is it for now people! I hope we can have a good time chatting with each other !!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm Dayane, one of the students who will talk and share with you some information and curiosities about my country, Brazil, and I'd like you also talk about your country and city because I really want to know and visit it.
Talking about city and country, lets talk about mine. So, as I told you, I live in Brazil, in a city called Londrina, with a big population, I think, 510.707 people, it's the second biggest city in my State, Paraná. The temperature here is about 20 degrees (Celsius), I think is 68F. It's a beautiful city, there're many places to visit and go out.
About education, here a good city to study, there're many good schools, courses, colleges and the UEL, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, where I study, that is one of the most important University in Brazil.
Today, that's it, but I will look for more interesting information about us, brasilians.
Im glad for typing with you.
See you soon!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Who we are
This is the first week of our exchange and I´d like to invite you to write a short introduction about yourself. I´m Telma, one of the teachers in charge of the project and responsible for the third year Letras students who are part of this exciting experience! This project exists thanks to the Small Grants award given by the American Embassy, that made it possible to acquire netbooks and a videocamera to record some of our classes and share them with others.