Hy guys, what's up?
Well, we are supposed to talk a little bit more about our country or about our city!
I chose to talk about my city, which I already said(in my first post) I love it! Because it's a very calm and cozy place to live, mainly when we receive people here, from other countries, it seems that people here love to meet new people, from other places
So My city is 75 years old and its birthday is on December 10th, in this day people here don't work because its a holliday to comemorate its birthday and every year a huge cake is made and distributed for the population of the city. Its a total mess, but its also very nice !!
People from here are called PÉ VERMELHO or Red Foot hahaha, because the soil here is very red and when you walk in this soil later is very difficult to wash your feet and have it totaly cleaned again! The city is considered the second biggest city in the State of Parana and its located on the north of Parana. Now it has a population of almost 500 million people and it grows day by day. Coffee here some years ago was the most important product to be comercialized now we have more emphasis in others products... Agriculture and industries here are the ecomical basis.
The city, long ago, had lot of imigrants such as indians and later Lord Lovat (an English man) came to Londrina in 1924, since Parana state was colonized by the English people so some people call the city as LONDRINA- LITTLE LONDON, cool isn't it? By the way the major of the city put some telephone booths in downtown just like they have in England ! Can you believe it ?
As tourist attraction here we have Lake Igapo, Arthur Thomas Park, the Cathedral and the Bus satation which had been built since the beggining of the city! You can see the pictures above
Well that is it ! I hope you like it! And maybe some day you can visit our city !!
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