Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey guys!! What's up i'm sending to you a video with some beutiful places in our city!!
I hope you enjoy it!!!!


  1. I would like to go to Brazil one day to see all the beautiful things in person and I would also like to be able to speak portuguise.

  2. wow really cool i hope one day i can go their.


  3. Hi,
    Londrina looks like it's a beautiful place to live in. I would sure like to visit such a nice place like this one time. When it's night time the city looks great with all the lights. Do you live in the city? What kind of things do you have in Down-Town? Is there a certain of times you go their and hangout with your friends? I'm going to do my best to visit Londrina, Brazil as soon as possible because I think if I don't I would be missing a lot of fun and no wonder a lot of people like to go there it's such a nice place. To see the beauty and gorgeousness of this city in person would be such an honor. I would also try to learn some Portuguese before i go there so I would have the chance to communicate with the people there in their own language :).
    Hope to hear from you again.
    Hekmat xoxo.

  4. Great video of Londrina, Natalia! Makes me want to come back!:)
