Adamantina is a Brazilian city located in the northwest of the state of São Paulo.
Founded: 1948
Elevation: 401 m
Population: 34,218 inhabitants (update: 2004 IBGE Census)
Area: 411.78 km²
As you guys could see, my city it's really small in relation with the others ones.
We don't have cool things to do there, but we try. The only thing that I still do when I go there is swim, because you guys dont have any ideia how hot is there.
It's really far from Sao Paulo the capital, like 593km to be more especific.
My gradpa was italian and I have the Italian passaport, he was one of the most italian the comes to Brasil when the WAR II, was happening. My family has until today coffee plantations and a coffee shop.
I hope you guys like it.
Hi Ana.
ReplyDeleteI can't denny how interesting and beauty of your city, Adamantina. Even though it is the small city compare to other, but it doesn't mean sound bad. I think over there probable hot and sunny day that is good time for swimming. You know over here is really cold. Right now is snowing and the time is 9:57 pm December 3, 2010.
Hopefully, you can imagine how the difference between our cities. However, snow is beautiful. I don't know there is snow in Brazil or not. you know I just come inside from shoving the snow. Today snow is probably about 7 or 8 inches if I dare to quess.
I have many more words to decribe the snow. The best time of snowing is at night. You would see many tiny pieces of snow droping under dime of the street light. Also, you can feel of little cold hit your cheek because it doesn't really cold when it's snowed. You can imagine the whiteness is verywhere. Although it is night, but it is not really dark. Everywhere is a pale red mix with white and a little pale pink.
It is so beautiful.
By the way, I like your city too with hot and sunny day.
Nice talking to you here.
My name is Kim and I wish you have a great weekend.
Goodbye :)