Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our culture

Here in Brazil is very diverse culture, each region has its beliefs, food and music, that makes our Brazil is so rich in culture.
Everywhere we meet here, we can observe how our culture values the Brazil.
There are regions that preserve their culture from generation to generation, not to be forgotten by the population.
We have songs that speak of the history of the people, myths and legends.
That's it.

Mayara Melo


  1. we have a very rich and diverse culture in america.

  2. Hey!
    So I just read it's pretty diverse in Brazil, it's sort of like that here too! Similar to how the regions there have their own beliefs, food, & music. Here in the United States we have states & depending on which part, they have their own food & music. The music & food is shared all over, Im guessing that's how it is over there too. I can see each region there has their own belief, well here beliefs range all over. Since we're such a diverse country, everybody believes what they want. But that's all for now! Hope to hear more from you guys soon :)

    - Samantha.

  3. in my opinion i think that culture is really important and i think everyone should be diverse in the culture
