Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Teaching or Learning English..

Hello People!

For me is not only teaching English, because English language is something that I love, have it as a second language makes me always seeking to learn more about this and for me every time I teach a little of what I know I am exposing someone a new language, culture, a new world reality.
I believe that teaching a language that no one likes, makes the teacher a person who knows only one language, and for me the teacher has to teach the students to new language and show why he should learn and encourages him to seek new languages .
Because to me a foreign language is not only a language but rather an opportunity to open their minds and explore Orizontes and cultures.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's cool that you think of learning a new language that way. In America we have to take a different language for at least two years in order to graduate, and to most of us we find that as a huge hassle. After those two years most people stop. We your rather not take that class. I know for me Spanish is not my favorite class ever. But it is starting to become a good language to know, because you are starting to see it more around America. I know, that there are a few times I questioned why we had to learn it in the first place, but I'm starting to understand it's importance.
