Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday Night!!!

Hello Everyone.... it's Saturday night, and Im going out to this Halloween party... 'though halloween's not much popular 'round here, I'll give it a try.

Well I hope you all enjoy the holiday and have a blast of a Saunday.
Take care boys and girls...


  1. Halloween is such a fun holiday!! you can go out (normally when your littler) and you dress up and go from house to house to house until you ether get to cold, get really tired, or your candy bag gets way to heavy. so you go back home dump out your candy to empty your bag. sit on the couch to rest your feet and sort and trade your candy. By then you will be worm again and be ready for your next round =) but most people just dress up and go to a part or five

  2. Hello Im Montrell and I went to a Halloween party on saturday to It was cool as you probably already know halloween is popular in the U.S but I don't trick or treat because i'm to old .
