Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What do you know about USA?

Wow! I think I have lots of information. I have many friends there and I also taught in an Institute of Language here in Brazil where some short time missionaries used to come and spend three months teaching English. So it was awsome. We exchange lots of knowkedge about our countries. I've learned to cook delicious meals and I've got fluency in English. THe most important exchange was that we've realized that love is transcultural. That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I think its cool to learn about new cultures too ! I wish i knew someone in Brazil that I could say I'm friends with and chat with everyday and exchange info about our cultures and food Ect . that would be fun ! I think it would be a cool and a VERY new experience to eat some Brazilian food. ! :)

    well thats all for now hope to hear from you soon .

    - - Mariah .
